Zad al-Mustaqni’ (Intermediate Hanbali Fiqh) - Transactions 

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Lesson series
  • Instructor: Sh. Joe Bradford
  • Level: Beginner
  • Study time: 20+ hours
  • Video time: 20+ hours
  • Exams: 2
Course overview
This is an intermediate course in Hanbali fiqh. This course will cover the primer Zad al-Mustaqni’ by Imam al-Hajjawi. This text is abridged from Ibn Qudama’s book al-Muqni’, and mentions the official positions of the Madhhab. Due to its size, this course will be divided amongst a few instructors and taught over two years. All students are welcome.
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Part of the Tasheel Program
To enroll in this course, students must be subscribed to the Tasheel Program ($75/Month).  

Course Lessons